I bet you would never guess to find an article on How to Be a Better Bowler in Arts & Entertainment. Its a Sport, so it should go down in the sports category. OK I will post it down in Sports as well. Believe it or not, many of us find it Entertaining… especially when bowling with friends.
I was a youth bowling coach for a few years and I not only found it entertaining to watch the kids act up a bit, but I received a ton of enjoyment from watching them learn the game and have fun.
Entertainment is different for everyone. It should be something that you enjoy and brings happiness to your life, and those around you.
It is also a great way to get some exercise. Maybe not cardio, but definitely stretching and working some muscles that do not get worked regularly.

So what usually stops us from bowling ?

There are plenty of reasons like finding time or a location. Talking to many people I find the biggest reason is most people feel they are just not good enough. They do not want to embarrass themselves. We could have a long talk about putting your ego in check and loosening up a bit. Life is too short to take everything so serious and not have fun… but we will just talk about improving your game and score a bit.

How can you improve your game and score higher

When I was coaching high school kids, the first thing I learned was that they did not know or understand the basic fundamentals of the game like;

be a better bowler

When a kid takes a few minutes to learn and understand some basic fundamentals that work, they get excited. If they get excited and start having fun because their belief system about the game changed, they want to learn more. When they follow the skills you teach them, they hit the pocket more. There is no better feeling in the world than when you see the face of a kid that rolled a lot of gutter balls, start striking. That smile warms your heart… but the fun they start having is entertaining for sure.

Get this book I found and Be a Better Bowler

It does not matter if you are a high school beginner or a Senior Adult just looking for something fun to do. You can learn to master some basic fundamentals and enjoy the game.
Even if you are a 150 avg. to 175 avg. bowler, there are some minor adjustments that can always be made to improve your score and help you Be a Better Bowler. Bowling is not a complicated game, just a set of rules and a few techniques to learn and anyone can learn them.
So whether you want to learn how to get started, or you want to get better, or you want to bowl like a pro, there is help out there.

I found an easy to follow book written by a Pro Bowler. If I was going to write a book, it would be almost identical to this book. He guarantees success and has a 60 day money back guarantee. Go Get It

From the Author:
Yes, you heard me correctly. This amazing guide is guaranteed to work for you. And I stand behind it 100{6f18c410823b062d43b87474c7b8a65215b8acf31b53a155add52209b661b548}. Test drive it for 60 days.