
The definition and origin of the word is: Fate. Destiny: a result of chance that was meant to be. When you search the word, the first definition you see is usually: “It must have been Kismet that brought the Bride and Groom together a year ago. (no lie) The Turkish origin says, “the will of Allah” as the English adapted it and it became “The Will of God”.

Kismet Relationships: The word is used in relation to something significant that came about by pure chance. Meeting the love of your life by accidentally spilling coffee on each other, as you fell on the icy sidewalk of a street you never walked down before, all you can do is smile, shrug and say “Kismet”.

We feel that kismet has brought us together. Some things are simply meant to be. We were both in situations after 3 decade long relationships that ended, and decided to just get away and work. During that time we truly got to know each other well and so many life occurences happened to both of us that actually had us in the vicinity of each other many times… yet never met… until now.

From the early 1990’s when Deana was working at Penn State and Nile was an Adult student going back to school… up to the fate filled day we both attended an event in Dallas, that we mostly did not know why we attended, but met and now realize we were suppose to meet. It was time.

When two people realize that deep-to-the-core love for one another, you know it is special. Now we would like to share it with those we love most. We are getting married!!


Deana: Many people go their entire lives without finding that special person. I have had a great life; however, it just got so much better. My day-to-day is all that I have ever wanted. Laughter. Sharing. Consideration. Conversations. Passion. Common Goals. The last six months have shown me just how happy I can be. Every single day I tell myself that this is meant to be. I am so looking forward to the rest of my life!! This man makes me extremely happy!!

Nile: My entire life I carried a feeling of “something else is missing”. Career, personal life, demographic, etc…. I never knew what that something was, just a feeling. Believe me, I have lived a Great life, and I have experienced great success, and have Wonderful, Beautiful Children and Grandchildren that are my entire love of existance. I have zero regrets about any part of the Journey I was on the last 60 years.

Well, last year, I met Deana by accident, spent time with her, and I have to admit, I do not have that feeling, even the slightest bit. A much bigger feeling has taken over my every thought. I am so happy and so in Love, it almost makes me feel like I have never truly been in love before… or at least this level of Love. Add to that the fact that we seem to be 100% on the same page, with every topic you can imagine, and it makes you feel like you have known each other forever, and fell asleep and just woke up and picked up where you left of. Like you have known each other for 1000 years. Thats not reality of course, so thats why I feel it was Kismet.

Events Lead To A Wedding-It Must Be Kismet!!

(Deana) Without a doubt, we believe that going to events is key to anyone’s success. Back in August of 2019 I went to an event in Dallas, TX. I flew there by myself. There was not one person there that I knew. Simply by stepping out of my comfort zone and that single event changed my life forever. Here I met Rory Ricord. I asked what his group was doing? They repeatedly won award after award. I told him I needed to know the way to his success. This was the first time I met Nile Eddy. Just as myself, he was a fellow Floridian. Nile offered to call me the following week to help get me started.


In short, I joined Nile’s group the following week. We did some training and then we hit a wall. Since I was working full time I had very little time for calls. Every time he called me I was not available. I thought he could simply call me as I drove home from my job. That did not work for him. I did not understand and I began to get frustrated. He did as well.

(Nile) I went to Texas because my best friend asked me to. I was going through a lot in my life, and didn’t want to travel or be in a room full of people yet… But I was drawn to it somehow and I have learned to follow my instincts. Something inside me told me I needed to be there. I hadn’t see Rory and Tanya in a few years anyway, so why not. That’s when Kismet was finally set into motion. Deana was there looking, I was there looking, and after meeting and finding out we both lived in Florida it made sense to get to know each other. Little did we know that our Worlds were going to change drastically.

Traveling Together

We decided to travel around the country and work while visiting friends & family. Undoubtedly, any time you travel with anyone, you get to know them on a personal level. Equally, when you travel across country together, you really get to know them. Sometimes on a much deeper level.

  • Across Florida – We zig-zagged across and up and down this beautiful state of Florida. Stopping to visit family was a special treat.
  • Flint, TX – While there we worked super hard. I believe we did some of our best work here. Such a peaceful location deep in the piney woods of East Texas. Our drive to be successful grew.
  • Napa Valley, CA – Visiting the beautiful vineyards while meeting with co-workers. Here we celebrated everyone’s accomplishments.
  • Dallas, TX – Attended a convention that undoubtedly catapulted our business to a new level. When you attend these events you find magic.
  • Utah – This was a special stop. Spending two months working hard and enjoying getting to known new family members. As a result of this trip, I have a new found family that I am grateful to know.
  • Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida – This last leg of our trip allowed us to appreciate some of the beauty that our Nation has. I have never seen the Moab Desert. Well we drove through it for several hours. Yes, we were amazed at the absolute beauty of the entire trip. These rock formations were a thing of beauty. In conclusion of that trip, we feel like we went through an Art Gallery. To us it seems impossible to not know there is a Great God who create all of the wonders on this planet. We feel Blessed to have witnessed that for the first time, Together.

Please Join Us On Our Special Day